Discovery settings

Fine-tuning Discoveries and dispatching them on a site is the bread-and-butter of Easyling, and arguably the most important part of the setup-phase of a project. In this section, we take a look at the various settings, convenience features that are at your disposal. Some of the most important overarching settings will be displayed in the main screen of the Discovery screen, others will be revealed by the Discovery dialog, which opens after you click on the blue Discover now button. Let’s take a look at each of those.

Discovery Screen

Ignore queries: Add any query parameters to this field, separated by commas, to ignore them during Discoveries.

By default, the following URLs will turn up in the Page List as two separate pages:

Query strings can influence the content that will be served, but it is also common for a page to be completely unchanged regardless of their presence or absence. In such cases, query parameters are somwehat bothersome: they cause the Discovery to revisit the same page multiple times, they overcrowd the page list with unnecessary entries and divert attention from the real page that holds the content to be translated. It is a good idea to trim the list and exclude these superfluous pages using this feature.

Group pages by ignoring query parameters: In the same vein, you can also group pages based on ignored query parameters by adding those query parameters to this field. Query parameters are bona fide part of the URL, and therefore may or may not induce changes on a case-by-case basis. For every changed query parameter, we create a new page record. If you are sure about a set of query parameters not inducing any changes in page content, you can use this function to prevent them from getting picked up.

Discovery cookies You may extract the cookies from a user session and pass them to a Discovery. This feature is most useful when you need to deal with login walls and content that is only revealed within the context of a user session.

Note that we cannot guarantee that the cookie extraction method works with all proprietary logins, as there are several solutions which can use additional security measures such as IP checking, or checking the User-Agent header. As all the requests from the proxy and the crawler come from the Google Cloud, it is necessary for the target site to not block them. The success of a Discovery via the use of session cookies is highly dependent on the implementation details of a site.

Discovery page limit: It is usually not a very good idea to unleash unlimited Discoveries right off the bat, not unless you have a 100% understanding of a site’s structure. Granted, Discoveries don’t really cost much, so you are in no danger of incurring any serious expenses. But a Discovery can take time - and the shorter the time span required to create a quote with high confidence levels, the better.

For this and other reasons, it is a good idea to start with a “feeler” Discovery and take it from there, adjusting query string settings, adding prefix-based exlusion rules for unnecessary subsections, fine-tuning the settings as needed - this way, you can safely shape the Discovery incrementally, until it visits only those pages that you deem necessary.

Discovery history: By running subsequent limited Discoveries using progressively refined settings, you will also get contextual clues about site state by checking the Discovery History. By clicking on the small view history link under the timestamp of the last Discovery, you can avail yourself of all the statistical information revealed by your previous Discoveries by using the “Show info” button in the opening dialog. You can also verify the status and end state (termination reason) of your Discovery processes here.

Referred domains Links pointing to a different domain than the project website address will be treated as external referred domains and listed here for your convenience. Note that specific instances of external links (such as links to streamed media) can be localized(replaced) over the proxy. See Content > External links for further details.

Discovery Dialog

Discovery limit Repeated from the main screen, you can limit the Discovery to a set amount of pages before exiting.

Add & process newly found pages any pages the Discovery process finds during a crawl will be added to the page list. Note that this is explicit action by the user, therefore the Page Freeze setting has no effect in this case.

Add & process newly found resources Instruct the Discovery to add newly found Resources, such as *.js files to the project. The proxy makes collecting Resources a trifle, and there is a plethora of in-depth methods to translate content embedded within them. But translation of Resourecs is also known to be one of the trickiest parts of website localization. Beware, and woe betide the unready!

Add & process newly found image resources By enabling this option, image content found on the site is added to the Resources screen, where you can add localized counterparts and instruct the proxy to serve those in place of the original.

There is often a great deal of image content on websites, so indexing all of them can take a very long time to finish; it is a good idea to turn this option off the first time around, and enable it only later, when it is clear that image localization is also going to play a part.

Skip content type check if already determined (to be added)

Limit crawl depth There is more than one way of limiting the scope of a Discovery. In scenarios where you have to Discover richly interlinked pages (a wiki, for example) you can use the crawl depth to limit how deep the Discovery should be allowed to follow links.

Ignore pages matching the following regular expression You can specify any regex to apply to all URLs and ignore the given page if there is a match. This is a user- and crawl-specific setting. As always, we recommend that you test your regular expressions on before using them. In this case, you can export your page list from Discovery > Pages and use that list as a test string for your regex.

Limit number of simultaneous requests Control the number of requests a Discovery is allowed to send to the original site simultaneously. Use this function to prevent the Discovery from flooding a smaller server with requests.

Exclusion rules You can set Discovery-specific exclusion rules by selecting Use temporary exclusion rules from the menu and adding your prefixes to the field that opens - use the buttons on the right to choose whether the prefix entered is an inclusion or exclusion rule.

By default (“Use current exclusion rules”), a Discovery will use the exclusion rules that you’ve set up on the Pages list screen.

Build Source Cache Source Caches have to be built during Discovery or Content Extraction crawls. This checkbox becomes available after you have enabled Source Caches in Dashboard > Page Cache. A dropdown menu will also appear, where you can select which of the Source Caches you’d like to use for the current Discovery. Please see the Source Caches section of this manual for the details. The option to keep the current Source Cache intact (“Preserve & use existing source cache”) is also available - these to options override each other, you should turn the latter off when you’re building a Source Cache.

After clicking on the blue “Discover” button, the Discovery starts and you will be returned to the main Discovery screen, where you can follow the word count statistics and check the status of the currently running process.